The Challenge
The diversion and processing of residential food wastes can be a challenge for municipalities as these materials represent 30% of the municipal waste stream in Canada. When disposed of in a landfill, food wastes can become a significant source of methane - a potent greenhouse gas. One effective solution to divert these materials from landfill disposal and the capture of greenhouse gases is anaerobic digestion.
Recognizing the Value of Organics

Veolia recognizes that each city and business has its own unique challenges in managing its organic wastes and needs to extract maximum value from these materials. We provide unparalleled expertise with a wide range of proven processing technologies that are tailored to our customer’s specific feedstocks and desired outputs such as biogas and digestate.
Biogas can be converted into renewable natural gas for injection into the gas pipeline. Renewable natural gas is being used to power homes, businesses and waste collection vehicles that collect the food wastes - an example of the circular economy in action.
Food wastes can also be co-digested or co-located at wastewater treatment facilities as many of these facilities have anaerobic digesters which are underutilized. Leveraging existing AD infrastructure to process food wastes is an opportunity to efficiently and effectively co-manage municipal organics and biosolids.
A Global Leader
Veolia is a global leader in organic material recovery. We help municipalities and businesses process food wastes efficiently and effectively and convert these materials into renewable energy and valuable soil products for agricultural and other land based applications.
Veolia operates 125 anaerobic digestion and composting operations across nine countries, including four in Canada. We process over three million tons of materials, over one million tons of fertilizer, and generate over 54,000 MWh of electricity.
Our team of experts work with you to determine the most effective and efficient technologies and services to address the challenges for processing the organic waste streams in your market. Through a deep understanding of the entire materials management cycle, we provide operations and management services for a wide range of organics, biosolids and residual management programs.
Learn how Veolia is helping the City of Toronto, the most populous city in Canada, process and transform 55% of its residential curbside collected food and organic waste into renewable resources. READ MORE
Discover how Veolia has been working with the City of Toronto to design, convert and market the sewage sludge from its wastewater treatment plant into a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer that supports its shift toward a circular economy. READ MORE